So Friday night I was the recipient of a beating. Not because I am a prize fighter by any means, but because somebody wanted my bike.

Last I remember I was telling some guy about my purple handlebars, next I know I woke up Saturday morning in the hospital. Huge welt on the back of my head, about 4 stitches in my face, two cracked teeth, a black eye that had swollen my eye closed and  minus a bike.

Needless to say I have been going through waves of sadness and ridiculous anger.

A. Who steals a bike? A bike that is obviously ones only mode of transportation?

B. Is the beating really warranted? I mean a simple shove and “I’m taking your bike” would have sufficed at the moment.

Alas the streets are littered with animals. For now on I guess I should ride armed.

Slowly healing into something human


Yup; parting with the super “Coke Life” tee I’ve been sporting for a while.

Started the basic outline work for the new web comic. Getting the first few pages up will be the most daunting task (espescially with my limited web design abilities).

I will be posting some updates with rough art as I get the chance. Still hoping to get a little cash from my latest Ebay offerings to do something about the moisture in my studio.

Till next our paths cross friends


Just broke out the acrylic paints and essentually making a giant mess. I guess clean, smooth lines appeal to me more.

Old propaganda and German minimalist stuff.

Also digging some of the sharpie werk I’ve been peeping on YouTube.

Yup. Clean lines and flat colors for me.


Well I know I said the Aceos would be up Friday night but I have no sense of time apparently…they are up now.

By the way the ice cream comment is a lie, there is ice cream.

^nukes^ is up and running, though not nearly finished. Going to take some time this weekend to upload some more stuff and hopefully get all my various links working.

Speaking of links, if you’d be interested in doing some link trading let me know.

Til’ next we meet



So I have some new Aceos going up on the Ebay Friday night. Feel free to take a look at em’.

Have some cool projects in the works (including that long developing comic) so be sure to check back soon cyber folk.