So Friday night I was the recipient of a beating. Not because I am a prize fighter by any means, but because somebody wanted my bike.

Last I remember I was telling some guy about my purple handlebars, next I know I woke up Saturday morning in the hospital. Huge welt on the back of my head, about 4 stitches in my face, two cracked teeth, a black eye that had swollen my eye closed and  minus a bike.

Needless to say I have been going through waves of sadness and ridiculous anger.

A. Who steals a bike? A bike that is obviously ones only mode of transportation?

B. Is the beating really warranted? I mean a simple shove and “I’m taking your bike” would have sufficed at the moment.

Alas the streets are littered with animals. For now on I guess I should ride armed.

Slowly healing into something human
