Archives for posts with tag: ebay

Yup; parting with the super “Coke Life” tee I’ve been sporting for a while.

Started the basic outline work for the new web comic. Getting the first few pages up will be the most daunting task (espescially with my limited web design abilities).

I will be posting some updates with rough art as I get the chance. Still hoping to get a little cash from my latest Ebay offerings to do something about the moisture in my studio.

Till next our paths cross friends


Well I know I said the Aceos would be up Friday night but I have no sense of time apparently…they are up now.

By the way the ice cream comment is a lie, there is ice cream.



So I have some new Aceos going up on the Ebay Friday night. Feel free to take a look at em’.

Have some cool projects in the works (including that long developing comic) so be sure to check back soon cyber folk.